What is it with Communism recently? I had a really cool, gay, teacher who tried to shove his Communist agenda down our throats one time. He went on and on about how other countries think anything but Communism is ridiculous.
The Liberals who I have heard argue for Communism say it is "A truly genius system."
Oh really? What is go 'genius' about it? Communism is no more complex than Capitalism.
Here's basic Communism.
1.) Everyone is 'assigned' a job (rather than being free to choose).
2.) Everyone receives the same pay.
3.) There is no institution of private property.

The idea of not having private property was made popular by Neo-Platonists and Christians who believed having private property was evil and irreligious. They believed God made land for the use of all humanity. It's hard for me to argue with number three. Then again, I don't want hippies camping outside of my bedroom window at night.. Libs also argue that Communism is "perfect in theory." I can't count the times I've heard that. They continue to babble on saying, "Once it's put into effect, it doesn't work well." Well, you've convinced ME that Communism is great.
Hear me. If something works perfect in theory but not in practice, you are obviously neglecting some extremely significant factors.
You might want to read that again.
I'm not going to dwell on foreign Communist leaders such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Castro. Concentrating on past leaders who were evil and happened to be Communists would be 'an Extended Analogy,' one of the many forms of fallacy. However, the countries themselves who have tried Communism, aren't doing very well.
Could you imagine being assigned a job? Think about your least favorite subject in school. Imagine yourself studying that subject and making a career out of it for the rest of your life. That is what would happen to millions of Americans if Communism were to be put into action. Granted, many people would love their new jobs, but there would be some dyer consequences. (Pardon my pun.)
Here's just one.
Consider the scientists doing advanced medical research in disease control and prevention. A vast majority of them knew exactly where they would end up. They knew they liked biology and wanted to help discover something great. Billions of lives have been saved by biologists already. Now imagine putting someone who hates biology in their position and putting someone with all the Biology potential you could hope for, in a ticket booth.
Here's the part that really gets me. Equal pay.
While it is impossible to deny equal pay would be great, it just isn't logical.
Assume you are working at a store and have two choices. You can either be a great employee who is always working hard, insuring costumer satisfaction and keeping your shirt clean, or you can be a drooling, unkempt individual who does the least amount of work to get by. You get the same pay. Which would you choose? There's just no incentive to improve yourself and do good work.
Speaking of customer satisfaction, I love it. There's nothing better than a company that cares about your wants and needs. A company that is willing to go to extra lengths to make sure you are cared for. Not with Communism though. If you want the Communist-Employee attitude, imagine the groaning, punk ass teenager behind the cash register (the one who is annoyed by your presence). He wants nothing more than to go home and knock up his porky, girlfriend.
That's the Communist attitude.
For all of you Democrats out there. Imagine if Communism hadn't been thought of yet and George W. Bush came out onto stage and said, "I think we oughts ta all get the same money and have the Government choose our jobs for us." You wouldn't cheer and celebrate this seemingly genius idea. Libs and Conservatives would grow wild with anger. They would throw apples and fetuses at our dear president, followed by a speeding harpoon gliding gracefully through Mr. George W's podium.
Luckily, Bush is a great man and would never try to take our freedom like that.
Communism may be trendy if you're a lib, but supporting it makes you look like a freedom-hating kack.
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