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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

A look into the evils of the PSP

The Sony PSP came out recently and already I see people all around who have one. From the jocks to the emo-kids to the nerds and the average Joes, every type of person seems to have one.
When you first see them you think, "Wow, that's the shit!" They look cool and play movies. However, if you do some research, or just happen to be less impulsive than child molester at a toy convention, you'll see them for the scam they really are.

These new 'toys' use UMD discs. Jocks seem to think they're really amazing. They're as quick to throw all of their hard earned weed cash at $20 movies as they are to get in bed with Nancy the next-door necropheliac.
Haste makes waste, kiddos.
What some people don't know is the average DVD has about 7 Gigs of data on it. UMDs have 1.8Gbs That's plenty for a small PSP screen, but what if you want to play it on your TV?

The PS3 is said to come ready to play UMDs just like it would a DVD. However, if you've ever seen what a 2GB movie looks like on a big screen, you would scoff at it.

If I buy a movie, I'll be damned if I'm going to buy one that only plays well on a small screen of a specific unit. And what happens when this PSP fad is over? I'll tell you. You'll have a movie on UMD and your precious PSP will be in the back of your drawer, but you'll never dig it up because watching a movie on a screen that small isn't worth the trouble.
It isn't worth the money either.
All used UMDs will end up on eBay. I love eBay.

The other scam is the use of the Sony MemorySticks. I paid around 60 bucks for a 256MB memstick card for my camera. The prices have sense gone down, but they're still the most expensive compact memory cards you can buy. It gets worse. The Playstation Portable only uses the "new" version of the already overpriced MemoryStick.

They're about half the size of the old ones, which only weighed about a gram anyway.
I'll tell you what I think happened. Sony had trouble tricking people into buying their "new" MemoryStick versions and decided not to make the PSP compatible with the old ones. Unlike your insignificant penis, size isn't the issue.

You wouldn't even notice the difference. You could have even fit the biggest of the cards, the CompactFlash, inside of the PSP. Hell, Sony could have made a contract to make CompactFlash compatible, but they decided to rape your wallet with extra expenses.

Don't for a minute think they don't have a contract with CompactFlash. In fact, there newest 8 Megapixel camera, the DSCf828, takes MemoryStick AND CompactFlash. I purchased a 1GB compact flash card for 70 bucks.

Sony really lost out on that one. If they have their way, you'll buy the PSP and lose out too.
They have every right to do this, but you also have every right to refuse them.

PSPs are fun and trendy (like an Ipod) if you have a lot of money to throw around. You'll soon realize what a waste of money they are and sodomize yourself.
Just like you did when you blew your money on Pokemon
and Furby
and Gameboy
and your ex.
My friend, you are going to have a soar pooper.

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