Crime and Punishment
I'm going to touch on five beliefs I have about Crime and Justice.
Excluding the last one....
Democrats will most-likely agree with 1/4 of the following
Republicans, 3/4
Logical individuals, well, they will agree with anything and everything I say because I wouldn't say it unless it were true.
Crime and Rehabilitation (A more liberal view of mine)
Too often I hear the phrase, "Crime and Punishment." The media loves that phrase. Truthfully, most top prisons have the underlying goal to rehabilitate the worthless tobacco chewing, doorknob caressing, children eating pieces of constipated fecal matter in prisons, the prisoners. Prisoners are not always bad though.
Oftentimes, people in prison earn scholarships and become pure and find god. Whether you believe in God or not, if you were to be placed in a random cell with a prisoner who could do whatever they wanted to you for an hour and you had a choice, you would choose the prisoner who has a Bible sitting next to his bed.
You can watch the "Shawshank Redemption" if you want an understanding of what I'm talking about. Or watch the Discovery Channel episodes about penitentiaries.
Brain Surgery.
I was going to say prisoners should be given a chance to choose to have the portion of their brain removed that causes anger, but I did some research. This sums it up neatly.
If we ever did find it though, the prisoners should be able to earn money through community service to get the operation.
The truth you are about to read might and should upset you. It deals with child molestation.
All sex offenders should have a sex offender tattoo on their foreheads, especially people who commit sexual assault on children.
I know this sounds mean and 'insensitiiiiivveeee', but think about (scenario) how he lifted up Taylor's shirt, held her/his small body down and punched their face several times and then forced his fingers under their underwear and into their genetailia. All the while
Attempted Murder Versus Murder.
I'm sure I'm not the first to think of this, (because I truly believe absolutely nothing is original to everybody) but it's an idea I've never heard anyone else touch on.
Lets say Robert draws his gun and shouts to a police officer, "I be goin' ta smoke ya dead ya damn 5-0 (cop) and shit!!" He then fires his gun and the bullet grazes the officer's ear lobe. Robert's second shot gives the officer a free root-canal, but everyone is alright.
Andy commits a drive-by shooting. He doesn't kill anyone. They find written information proving he had the intent to kill, but as you know, he failed.
He will be charged with attempted murder. Should he be charged with that? Hell no!
Robert should be charged with First degree murder. In case you don't know...
The following is straight from WikiPedia.
First-degree murder (or murder in the first degree, or colloquially, murder one)
refers to premeditated murder, or murder which occurs after some degree of reflection by the murderer. This reflection can be years or less than a second.
Second-degree murder or voluntary manslaughter refers to
murder done without thought in the heat of the moment, or in some states after "adequate provocation".
Let's say Mike did the same and had succeeded.
Here are the fully controllable circumstances; Andy tried to murder. He had the balls to do it and he acted on his decision. What happens after the bullet leaves the gun is beyond his control. The bullet might and might not hit the target. It's all chance.
They both did the same physical actions, one got lucky and one didn't.
^Read it again.
Each man is as dangerous as the other. The only possible disputable difference would be that Mike has a mentality of "I've killed someone."
Drunk Driving
Tammy the tacky toothpick-tramp drove her fancypants hatchback home from the bar. Tammy was followed home and is about to lose her fugly-ass car.

If you are caught driving drunk, you should have your car taken by the cops and the money should go to needy children and/or the city. A few towns have tried this. The ones who have had an EXTREMELY significant change in the number of drunk drivers.
Apparently knowing you could run into an innocent person while driving drunk isn't enough to put them in the passenger's seat.
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