You’re overweight because you choose to be.
Let me tell you. If there’s one thing that depresses me, it’s fat people eating alone at restaurants. Last valentines day, there was a really big woman sitting at a table alone. She was reading a book. I got deeply depressed for 20 minutes.
I saw her again this mother’s day at the SAME ihop. I no longer want to eat there. Or if I do, I want to visit her and be her friend simply because I hate seeing anyone so alone and lonely.
I have lost understanding for fat people though. It happened when I went on a diet. I stopped eating bad foods, and BAM, lost fifteen pounds. I have no earthly idea what everyone is whining about.
I was at a science museum about a year ago. There was another fat lady sitting on a bench. She struggled to her feed and I looked down at my little sister and told her the lady was about to go get a big tub of popcorn. Was I right? You bet your ass I was.
Here's what a fat person looks like.

That’s what they do. They abuse their bodies and make America look bad. Numerous books have been written about weight loss. Bullshit. Every last one of them is littered with ‘filler chapters’. And what’s happening when you’re reading your book? You are getting fatter and fatter, consuming the entire room, as well as all of the food. Your bed is going to bust. Your bust is going to hit the floor before you turn 40 years old. Only you can stop yourself.
I’ve taken when I know about weight loss and, rather than writing a worthless book, I’m putting it right here.
Here’s how to make it go away.
*Eat salad, fruit and vegetables. Have a steak every Friday. Do it.
*Designate one day of the week and one day only to eat sweets/chips/hamburgers/pizza/popcorn/butter/have common sense, you know what is bad. Don’t ever change the day of the week that is. Always make it the same day.
*Work out 20 minutes every weekday. Don’t like the sound of that? You’re doomed to a heart attack.
*Start now. This is one of the most crucial parts. Never ever start tomorrow or next week/month.
*DON’T CHEAT. Never ever say, “Just this once, I’ll eat this even though I shouldn’t.”
*Birthday parties and Christmas/Easter ect. are no exception. Count the number of “special days” including holydays, family birthday parties and work/school parties. There are a lot of opportunities to cheat. If you count up your “special occasions,” you’ll find yourself breaking your diet over and over.
*Get unhealthy foods out of your house. This is one of the single most important things you have to do. It’s much easier to resist bad foods when they’re not around.
*no carb diets are stupid.
Here's another fat thing. She's wearing a strapless top woman thingy. This isn't even allowed in most highschools, yet Disney puts this type of smut on a fat, purple sea-creature.

If you’re too out of shape to jog, then go for a walk. Even if you can only walk once around your house, take a break and do it again. You’ll find yourself walking further and further. You can do it.
You don’t have a medical disorder and it’s not in your genes. I don’t want to receive emails from people who have “medical conditions” and still have their asses planted in front of a computer. No excuses. Some people have to try harder to pass school; you have to try harder to stay thin. I’m truly sorry for your medical condition but stop bawling and get running.
Something that really gets me fired up is fat parents with fat kids. I see them in the mall and in cookie shops. It’s disgusting. These poor, innocent kids are usually all of 5-8 years old and they already have weight problems that they will have for the rest of their lifes because their selfish parents thought it was too much of a burden to set a good example for them. I’ve been tempted to walk up to these miserable failures and say, “You’re fat and your kids are fat. LOOK what you are doing to them! I guarantee they will have weight problems at least as bad as yours.” Then I want to take down those porkers’ phone numbers and visit their house in 8 years and tell them, “I told you so, you assholes.” They are literally that blinded by denial.
But I’m too sensitive to do that.
You’re fat. Stop it. I’m sick and tired of seeing fat people stuff their faces. You’re going to die early and it’s your friends and family who’re going to suffer when you’re gone. If you don’t have either, you are going to miss out on something you could have had. Imagine what it would feel like to lose weight, find a sole mate and get married. You would look back at your fat self, rotting away on the computer or in your bed and you wouldn’t be able to believe you thought you had nothing left in your miserable existence.
You do have something left. You may be fat, but you have to choose to save yourself from yourself. Let me refer you to a good book. Wait, never mind…
Start by putting down those chips and getting the hell off of the computer. Start today. Start right now. I guarantee if you do what I’ve stated above, you will lose weight. (Unless you binge eat on your off days). I guarantee it.