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Wednesday, March 09, 2005

You're not Irish.

I've seen too many people around St. Patrick's day wearing the "Kiss Me I'm Irish" t-shirt. It's not cool unless you are Irish. I'm not talkin' 1/4th Irish either. If you wear one of those shirts you better have a hell of a lot of Irish in you. Take this person, for example.
Keep in mind, this is unedited.
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What's wrong with him!? Is being Asian suddenly not good enough anymore? Oh, scratch that. I've spotted the Irish in you! It's not that you have red hair, you have a red FACE. Sorry I doubted you.

What's so great about Ireland anyway? Don't get me wrong, Ireland is beautiful. I love Irish music and they have great accents. But how many other countries fall into this category? Seriously. I'm over 1/4th Irish and have about the same amount of Scottish in me, but I wouldn't be caught dead one of those t-shirts.
Hell, I even have a very small amount of Savage in me (Cherokee), but do you see me dressing like an Indian sporting a peace pipe?
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Note: That is MY face on the indian on the left.

There is only one obvious solution I can come to. Don't be fake. Put on a green hat on St. Patrick's day if it makes you feel special, but for God's sake, unless you're Irish, lose the shirt. Especially if you have nice boobies..
Oh yeah, one final thing.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Support our Troops, a great way to brainwash the Democrats.

Does that sound right to you? Me neither.
I was talking to a Democrat the other day and he started complaining about how people have "Support Our Troops" magnets on their cars.
He explained how he thought it was an attempt to somehow 'brainwash' the democrats into becoming hungry war mongers.
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I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He said he hated it when somebody 'shoved their ideals down his throat.'
I tried to explain that the magnets were there to remind us that we have soldiers dying in third world countries and we need to support them. It's not pro or anti war. I had never even considered the idea of liberals disliking the magnets.

I tried to explain to him how scarred the soldiers from Vietnam are, and that we don't have to support a war by supporting them. Things could get very ugly if the public Turns against the soldiers who are just obeying orders.

I would like to tell all of the democraps I'm sorry. I'm sorry we have soldiers who are pouring their heart and souls into a great cause. I'm even more sorry they would be willing to die for scum like you.
Now piss off.

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